Roots Summer Camp Programs offer full-day activities for ages 5-12 years old. Regular hours are from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Early drop-off (from 7:30 AM) and late pick-up (up to 5:00 PM) options available.
All summer program attendees will participate in activities at the three major facilities on the Roots campus: 1) Roots Gymnastics Center, 2) Roots Aquatics Center and 3) Roots Athletics Center. Attendees will rotate between the three facilities each day participating in activities such as gymnastics, swim, soccer and other turf sports, S.T.E.M., crafts, games, water slide and so much more!
Ages 7-12:
Full week: $289
*Three day: $199 (the three day option is for Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday ONLY. There are no substitutions for other options on Monday and/or Friday with the three day option).
Ages 5-6:
Full week: $299
*Three day: $209
Why are the 5 & 6 year old's a higher price? Per our camp license with the state of Massachusetts, participants who are 5 or 6 years old must be in a ratio of 5:1 with a counselor, compared to 10:1 for those ages 7-12.
*The three day option is for Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday ONLY. There are no substitutions for other options on Monday and/or Friday with the three day option.
For more information or to sign up visit our website at
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