
Walking is Magic For Moms

Why regular walks with friends can change your life

March 28, 2019

We all want to be one of “those moms” who are fit, happy, and seem to have it all. But as Macaroni Kid publishers, we’ve come to know two things:

First, mommin' is hard and can be lonely. 

Second, many moms are suffering from a fitness and wellness crisis.

We knew this instinctively, but we wanted to know for sure, so Macaroni Kid surveyed 2,300 moms and discovered:

  • 73 percent of moms feel lonely
  • 89 percent of moms want to lose weight
  • 90 percent of moms want to improve their fitness

Depressing, right? Hold that thought, because we also learned that walking together is magic for moms!

In fact, moms who walk with friends are 2.5 times less likely to report feeling lonely, according to our survey.

But sometimes moms need a little extra motivation to get up, get together, and get going! That’s why we’ve fallen in love with 99 Walks, which organizes monthly and quarterly walking challenges designed to get moms moving together!

Plus, at the end of the month, 99 Walks rewards you with a gorgeous inspirational bracelet. They call it “wearable inspiration.”

Want to know more or join the 99 Walks community? Check out! 

Need more inspiration? Here’s what some of the moms who crushed the 99 Walks challenge this winter had to say: