Tamashi, an up and coming American manga series, transports readers into an unknown world of action, fantasy, and adventure. The main character, Tamashi, is a young, moody, girl who finds herself in a strange place – later to be known as The Ancient Land. Completely lost and alone, she suddenly possesses a newfound power that could become a blessing or a curse. Hopefully, with the kindness of strangers and the help of friends, Tamashi will find her way, claim her power, and become a true Child of the Ancient Land, once and for all.
Readers will easily connect with the unending personalities and the array of zany characters, as they follow Tamashi, the protagonist. All ages will enjoy this coming of age tale of self-discovery and self-acceptance. The questions that arise will leave readers wanting more and will have fans yearning for answers, as they will come to cheer for this mysterious girl and her compatriots while they travel and discover the many wonders of The Ancient Land. |
Southwick, Massachusetts’ own local cartoonist, Ryan McCarthy, originally created Tamashi about 15 years ago. McCarthy found his passion – cartooning – at a young age and has pursued it ever since. Growing up, his favorite cartoons included: the Cartoon Network Television show: Ed, Edd, and Eddy; the anime entitled One Piece; and the video game series: Kingdom Hearts. Today, McCarthy has successfully self-published three volumes of Tamashi – a number that continues to grow.
Tamashi can be found in local stores at Blue Umbrella Books in Westfield, MA; Stateline Video Games in Feeding Hills, MA; Red Riding Hood’s Basket Café in Southwick, MA; and The Gran-Val Scoop in Granville, MA. It can also be found online at blurb.com, amazon.com, and ryanmccarthyproductions.com. Makes a great holiday gift!
Follow The Ancient Land Tamashi on Twitter: @TamashiManga Follow Ryan McCarthy on Twitter: @RyantheDerede |