
Planet Pink is Out of this World Fun for Kids

By Nancy Hahn July 13, 2017

Planet Pink, created by Nancy Hahn, encourages children to have fun while learning Earth Space Science. Discovery and exploration is a very big part of our history and our universe, and scientists at NASA make an outstanding contribution to our world. They have been working very hard for over 50 years to best answer “What is out there in space?” “How do we get there?” “What will we find?” and “What can we learn?” 

Planet Pink helps children to understand and see the best in our world by looking beyond.

Welcome to Planet Pink!
Just 57 light years away
NASA found Planet Pink
In the Milky Way
Pink as a cherry
Blossom in bloom
It has its own sun
It has its own moon

It's a wonder Planet Pink
Can be all the things
You think....
A magic place to play
Discover a pink day

Pink dreams
Pink lemonade
Pink Cotton Candy Sky
Planet Pink you have such style
I think I’ll stay a while...

Flamingos in pink Tutus
Live happy in the pink zoo
It's a very friendly place
Planet Pink in outer space

Just as Lolly, Molly, Zolly and Princess Zeeba discover and grow their HEART EARS by doing kind things for others, we can understand and see the best in our world by looking beyond.

Hey kids, did you know that:

•    We live on planet Earth which is part of our local Solar System. Our Solar System includes the Sun and everything that orbits the Sun. Our Sun is just one Star in the Milky Way Galaxy. The Milky Way Galaxy is just one Galaxy in the Universe.
•    The bright pink planet (star) GJ 504 is 57 light-years from Earth.
•    Planet Pink is a little hotter than the sun and you can see it in the constellation Virgo.
•    It is four times the size of Jupiter but very small compared to the other planets. Because of its small size, it is called a dwarf planet.
•    The pink star system is young compared to the earth’s age at and is 160 million years old.
•    The Earth’s system is 4.5 billion years old.
•    Gravity on GJ 504b is 10 times stronger than it is on Earth.
•    This planet takes 127,750 Earth days to orbit, or circle, its sun once. That means one year on GJ 504b is the same as 350 years on Earth.

Hear more stories from Planet Pink and the other iRead2Know characters on iRead2Know iHeartRadio and iHeartFamily.

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